Thursday, May 17, 2007

One Billion Uncounted People

Quote of the day:
“Children’s talent to endure stems from their ignorance of alternatives.”
--Maya Angelou

Quote of the day no. 2:
“Manners cannot be taught unless the underlying premise exists that the feelings of other people matter.”
--Judith Martin, today’s Miss Manners

Quote of the day no. 3:
“About one billion people in the world live in slums. According to a United Nations document, ‘The urban poor are trapped in an informal and “illegal” world--in slums that are not reflected on maps, where waste is not collected, where taxes are not paid, and where public services are note provided. Officially, they do not exist.’ In the next 20 years the number of slum dwellers is expected to double. The Millenium Development goals are projected to improve the lives of only 100 million slum dwellers by 2020.”
--New Yorker, November 13, 2006.

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