Thursday, March 8, 2007

You Can Take Me Out of the Hospital

You can’t take the hospital out of me. We came home from the hospital with a passle of medications and supplies, a few of which are shown above. There are also numerous follow-up tests and doctor visits coming. It’s good that Merrie has strong organizational skills to put together a daily plan for what needs to be done when.

My one-word summary for Merrie’s response to being home: “rhapsody.” She has been rhapsodizing about the comfort of the mattress, the quiet of the house at night, the salmon I made for dinner (and raw vegetables are tasting mighty good), the friendliness of the animals, the warmth of the backyard, and on and on. She’s quite tired but enjoying moving among four chairs, including one in the backyard, where she’s sitting as I write this.

I made a leisurely midday trip to Vons, to replace all kinds of things depleted over the last few weeks. I spent quite a while reading nutrition labels for salt and saturated fat content.

Potassium is also a concern, though we’re still figuring it out. One medication says to eat a banana to replace the potassium lost by taking the drug. Another says to avoid potassium. Go figure. Maybe the doctors and pharmacists need to fight this out among themselves.

Sophie is one pleased pup to have her number one playmate around again. The two cats are, too. I am, too.

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