Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Extraordinary Ordinary

Quote of the day:
“A taste for the extraordinary is characteristic of mediocrity.”
--Denis Diderot

This morning Merrie came along for two blocks of Sophie‘s morning walk. As always, when Merrie turned around to head home, Sophie turned around, too. It didn’t matter that I was the one holding the leash. So the pup had a short walk this morning. We made up for it in the afternoon.

As you can see from the photo, the cats are quite pleased to have us both at home. They love joining Merrie for her nap.

In the afternoon, Merrie went on her first outing. She had her hair cut and then we went to the lab to have blood drawn.

It seems kind of boring, I suppose there are few things more prosaic and ordinary than these kinds of errands. But we enjoyed them.

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