Saturday, March 10, 2007

Reaching a Rhythm

Survey result of the day:
“Busy schedules seem to shape how we dine: Every day, 30 percent of 15- to 18-year-olds skip breakfast. The number-one reason Americans give for making a particular dinner? Because it’s ‘easy.’ (Because it’s ‘healthy’ ranked number six.)”
--Life Magazine, March 9

Several years ago a colleague made an interesting observation about traditional Italian culture. He found it refreshing that the people he encountered in Italy would spend an entire day on the business of living, especially gathering and buying food, carefully preparing meals and visiting with family and friends. These were the most important things in their lives, and their days were filled with them.

I’ve been thinking about this observation as Merrie and I have begun to consider a new rhythm and pace for our lives. Over the last three days we have been focusing on the basics--rest, a bit of exercise, eating well and conversation. This is different for us, because we have both been so attached to, and identified with, our work over the last 23 years.

Merrie walked half a block down our street last evening. While we don’t know what will happen next week, the healing continues.

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