Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Mindful Walking

Quote of the day:
“It’s the unintentional use of words, titles and terms that can be more powerful and more insidious because so much language use is unreflective. So it carries a lot of codes, messages and meanings that people may only be dimly aware of.”
--University of Washington Political Science Professor Christine Di Stefano

This afternoon Merrie and I walked three blocks to our favorite hangout. Walking is slow and leisurely. Slowing down is more of a challenge than either of us realized. My legs are long, and Merrie is renowned for being a fast walker. Her parents once told me how fast she would get places when she started to crawl. So we’re learning something new. Walking slowly.

We had lunch and read. It’s good they have healthy menu items. And wireless, too! I visited an interesting website: http://greatachievements.org. (Check out the timelines for electricity and the automobile.)

Here’s a reaction to my comment on American Idol, from Mike, a professional musician:
“The vast majority of those people can't sing their way out of a paper bag. I don't know if you saw the recent quick interview with Norah Jones in Time Magazine, but she said that while she is voting for a friend of hers who's on the show (Josh somebody?), she ‘wasn't sure she needed to hear so many great songs sung so poorly.’  All I can say is: Right On, Sister!

“I must say, Kelly Clarkson is the only one who is really at the professional level and makes actually decent commercial pop records. Taylor Hicks should be selling suits at Ed's Big and Tall. Give me a break. No personality, no voice, and we already have Kenny Rogers for the ‘Grey Fox’ look. Thank you very much.

“And these ‘judges’? PAHLEEEEZE! Who are these people and what real qualifications do they have? Paula Abdul is the only ‘name’ among them and she was in trouble previously for having another singer as the actual voice on ‘her’ recordings.  I know. It doesn't make any difference because it doesn't really matter. The only important thing is to create as many ‘Monkees’ as we can and get them out as fast as we can, and shove them down the throats of the
dumb-as-cotton record-buying public. Hell, the Monkees actually had talent. Considerably more than most of the absolute dung I see on this show.

“The people I work with in the casual business can all sing rings around these people. It's even more about looks and age than it has ever been. True talent is the last consideration anymore. It's really nothing new, but it's just so blatantly in our faces now.”

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