Sunday, March 25, 2007

"Harry and Tonto"

Quote of the day:
"I learned a lot about losing from [my father]. That losing is an identity; that you can be a good loser and a bad winner; that none of it — gambling, money, winning, or losing — has any real value."
--Robert Altman

To celebrate Merrie’s birthday, we had some friends over and she showed one of her favorite movies, Harry and Tonto, from 1974. Art Carney won the best acting Oscar for playing Harry, who takes his 11-year-old cat Tonto on a cross-country odyssey. The movie is both insightful and charming in its depiction of life in the 1970s, and it is a thoughtful journey into the pleasures and sorrows of growing old.

I also celebrated the day by watching part of the Georgetown--UNC game. How about those Hoyas (or, as we say in southern California, “Jollas”)! On to the Final Four.

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