Tuesday, October 3, 2006

I'm Concerned, You're Not

Quotes of the day:
“After the elections, if the Republicans are still in power, this may signal a change in the leadership, if it appears they knew more than they have reported to us.”
--Mike Mears, executive director of Concerned Women for America’s political action committee, the wake of the scandal involving former Rep. Mark Foley

--Spokesman for Unconcerned Women for America

Followup to yesterday, "Perpetrators: Inside and Outside":
In reference to the man who killed himself after killing three children and wounding seven at an Amish school in Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania, AP reporter Mark Scolforo said this:
“[Charles Carl Roberts’ wife] issued a written statement offering sympathy to the families of his victims, and said that she could not reconcile the day’s events with the man she had loved.”

A much-less sensational news story may have more relevance to us. A Porsche 911 was tailgating another car, evidently quite impatient with its slowness. The driver swung to the left to pass, and then swung back suddenly to the right, clipping the other car. Both cars spun, and the Porsche wound up dropping off the side of a freeway ramp. The driver was crushed and killed.

All of us fit into one of three categories: 1) At some time we have been angry and impatient and have followed the car in front of us too closely; 2) We have been followed by such a driver; or 3) Both 1 and 2.

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