Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The End of the Culture War?

Quotes of the day, from cab drivers in Tehran:
“Amrika? Amrika! We love Amrika!”
“America treats North Korea better than us. If we had the bomb they’d have to talk to us.”
--From an article by Noreen Herzfeld in the October 3, 2006 "Christian Century"

In the aftermath of the resignation of Republican Rep. Mark Foley, the "Washington Post’s" Eugene Robinson wrote this:

“The culture war is supposed to be about morality, but really it’s a crusade to compel Americans to follow certain norms of private behavior that some social and religious conservatives believe are mandated by sociology, nature, or God.

“Republican officeholders have paid lip service to this crusade, all the while knowing that the human family is diverse and fallible. They know that the gravest threat to marriage is the heterosexual divorce rate. They know that Republicans drink, swear, carouse, and have affairs, just like the Democrats. They know that homosexuals aren’t devils.

“Most Americans, by the way, know all of this, too. Main Street hasn’t been Hicksville for a long time.”

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