Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Hot Sauce, Germs and Absolute Truth

Followup to "Who Is Your Editor?":
“Google lets sites create customized search tools.”
--Dawn C. Chmielewski, today’s "Los Angeles Times"

Quotes of the day:
“Made while I was mad.”
--From a label on a bottle of homemade hot sauce. It turned out to be very, very, very, very hot.

“Soap and water don’t actually kill microorganisms, but they create a slippery environment so that the critters slide off.”
--UC Berkeley Wellness Letter

“Our dream of safety has to disappear.”
--W. H. Auden

“Pat Robertson talks like he is everyone’s daddy, which I don’t believe he is.”
--Claire D. Lune

“Every time I am pretty sure that I have some absolute truth all worked out, a human being comes along to pose an exception to my rule. Over and over, the human exceptions prove to be more revelatory than the rules.”
--Barbara Brown Taylor

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