Sunday, June 3, 2007

Anyone But

Quote of the day:
“Lots of people think they’re charitable if they give away their old clothes and things they don’t want. It isn’t charity to give away things you want to get rid of and it isn’t a sacrifice to do things you don’t mind doing.”
--Myrtle Reed

This afternoon (or evening in the east) was the second debate among the Democratic presidential candidates. Not a lot of news came out of it, but there are two things of note.

First, it is clear that John Edwards knows that the only chance he has is to aggressively take support from Hillary Clinton. Thus, during the debate he took every possible opportunity to challenge her and distinguish himself from her.

Second, Joe Biden and Bill Richardson are trying to stand out by being angry and insisting on competence (while pointing out their own competence) and practical good judgment in the White House.

Likely the most newsworthy thing about the presidential race is how support for each of the candidates in both parties has not changed during the last two months, in spite of a campaign that seems to be fully underway.

It’s not hard to conclude that an awful lot of people are looking across the field of candidates and saying that any of them would be better than Bush. We may not be ready to seriously think about which one would be best.

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