Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sherman, Sophie, Junior and Rocco

Quote of the day:
“An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is an adventure wrongly considered.”
--GK Chesterton

These days, neither Merrie nor I can do much around the house without having four eyes trained on us. Such is life with German Shepherds.

They’re herding dogs. They have a job to do, and they intend to do it. We get rounded up. The cats get rounded up. Guests get rounded up. There’s a lot of herding going on.

Sherman the puppy is now three months old. His ears and feet make up about a third of his body mass. He eats like you wouldn’t believe. And he grows every day.

Just today, he has gotten taller, after spending the previous several days getting longer.

He and Sophie, our four year old German Shepherd mix, are getting along well. There are lots of impromptu wrestling matches, and lots of small dog following big dog around the house.

As for the cats let’s say we’re learning about limits. It’s pretty much business as usual for Junior, our black-and-white 12 year-old. He brooks no nonsense from any dog. He could care less about being barked at, and if Sherman gets too close he delivers a one-two punch. I think Sherman is getting the message.

Rocco, our four-year-old Tonkinese, is particular about who he associates with, and he’s finding the puppy rather obnoxious. Rocco and Sophie are pals, and often accompany each other around the house.

When Sherman sees him and goes into a fit, Rocco growls and hisses and retreats to a high place. If Sherman doesn’t get the message, it’s flying claw time. Wham! Followed by a surprised puppy yelp.

As I say, we’re all learning.

If you want excitement in your life, adopt a puppy.

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