Thursday, February 21, 2008

American Idol

Quote of the day:
“Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum (I think that I think, therefore I think that I am.)”
--Ambrose Bierce

“American Idol” is by far the highest-rated show on TV. It really is quite entertaining this season.

Merrie and I skipped many of the early weeks but have been regularly watching the trip from 24 down to 12. It’s true what everyone says that the talent this year is on a higher level. There also are more contestants who seem to be authentically likeable.

There’s a folky singer-songwriter who resembles Joni Mitchell. There’s a boyish 17-year-old singer who combines a terrific voice with genuine down-to-earthness. And there are two woman rockers.

There ARE a few contestants who seem uncomfortable or forced, or who clearly don’t have the strongest voices. The only “country” contestant doesn’t seem to be on the level of most of the others. A couple performers display nervousness on stage, and thus seem out of place.

But these are the exceptions. Many more contestants than usual combine personality and expressiveness with significant vocal talent. It’s sort of like an old-fashioned variety show. And we get to vote for our favorite performer.

Remember “Ed Sullivan”? Would you vote for Topo Gigio? Or the guy with the spinning plates?

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