Saturday, January 5, 2008

Charlie Wilson's War

Quote of the day:
“Where facts are few, experts are many.”
--Donald R. Gannon

I think the Academy should automatically give Phillip Seymour Hoffman an Oscar for three great performances this year. Maybe best supporting actor for “Charlie Wilson’s War.”

Hoffman doesn’t really chew the scenery. It’s more of a gnawing.

He nails the role of an angry, self-righteous whistle-blower who has worked for the CIA for many years. This is a very entertaining performance.

The movie is based in fact, and portrays how Congress is run. The deal making, horse-trading, perks, how money is appropriated and sometimes how history gets made. Often it’s not pretty.

We learn some things about the CIA that we may know or suspect but have never seen in action. Some of these things aren’t pretty, either.

Tom Hanks plays Charlie Wilson, a Texas congressman who almost literally stumbles into a vacuum in our foreign policy. He is very good. Julia Roberts has a role that doesn’t fit her quite right--she plays a very wealthy and politically active Texan.

Many good movies came out near the end of 2007. “Charlie Wilson’s War” is one of them.


Anonymous said...

I liked this movie too, except for the accents. They were one-size-fits-all Southern, NOT East Texan.

Craig Dorval said...

I don't have your ear for the lilt of East Texas, but I thought Julia Roberts sounded a bit strange. I'm not sure she was quite right for the part.

Anonymous said...

I saw this movie on Christmas Day and did enjoy it very much, also, but you're probably right about Julia Roberts, even if she does look good "neck-ed."