Saturday, January 26, 2008

We are Still Daily, Really

Quote of the day:
“Everything’s different now.”
--Innocence Mission

Astute daily observers have noticed two things. First, observations here have been coming at a somewhat less than daily pace. Second, there have been a couple of cute puppy pictures floating by in recent days.

Question of the day: Are these two things related? Well, it’s a long story. Actually it’s not a long story at all. I just always have wanted to say that.

Of course, as Merrie will tell you, pretty much anything coming from me can very easily turn into a long story. This is why she has strongly supported me being a minister. It broadens the target of my pontification away from her.

Enough, already. Get to the point.

We have a new puppy. He’s an 8-week-old German Shepherd named Sherman. Sherman the German Shepherd.

Let’s be clear about something. Adopting a puppy is an irrational act. There are a dozen good reasons to not do it. But we did it anyway.

We admit it. We love cats and dogs. All of them spend virtually all their waking hours with us, mostly in the house. And we like it.

Sometimes it’s like living in a cage at the zoo. Often we have to step carefully to not trip or squash one of them. There are regular races and chases around the house. Small piles of animal hair accumulate in the corners.

Our animals are all friendly, and they like spending time with us. It seems like all our idiosyncrasies and maladjustments complement each other. Or at least entertain each other.

After watching the news of the day, it all provides a nice reality check.

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