Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Fires Move West

Merrie was awakened during the night by fire engines and aircraft heading to the east. Both the Witch Creek fire (north), and the Harris fire (south) moved westward during the night.

We smell smoke this morning, though the 8 a.m. eastern view above looks better.

Current estimates are 150,000 acres burned and 300,000 people evacuated. This morning officials asked for a mandatory evacuation of a large, heavily-populated area from the border to eastern Chula Vista in southern San Diego county.

We are safe, and have a place to go if we need to evacuate--which seems unlikely right now. But to burn some nervous energy we've packed some things and continue to get ready.

The governor is still here, and it's reassuring that local officials seem to be doing an excellent job in a complex, unpredictable situation. They look exhausted.

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