Saturday, August 25, 2007

Slow August Weekend: Medical

Quote of the day:
“According to some commercials, driving an SUV means you support terrorists. The answer is the hybrid gas-electric car, which only supports terrorists when going uphill.”
--Jon Stewart

Merrie moved from zigging to zagging (previously known as seeing to sawing) today. Her kidney function began to be affected again by the diuretic drugs. So the doctor is easing back a bit. I guess it’s kind of like driving a performance car around a curve. Though not nearly as fun. At all.

Hospitals are just like the rest of the world in that they go quiet on weekends. Or at least quieter. While I might circle the parking lot for a few minutes on Friday waiting for a space, half the lot is open on Saturday.

Care at the hospital is continuous, of course, but it seems that most doctors’ schedules are concentrated on weekdays. So weekends are spent (you guessed it) waiting. Reading, worrying, waiting. Lather, rinse, repeat.

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