Friday, February 9, 2007

You Betcha I'm Entitled!

Quote of the day (humbly from myself):
“[An Inconvenient Truth] puts to rest for good the idea that the climate changes scientists have been noticing for years are just part of a natural cycle that the earth has seen before.”
--From I’d like to Thank the Academy

Most unexpected Valentine’s quote of the day:
“Marriage in America is to love as laxatives are to constipation. Something that makes everything flow much easier.”
--Jolynn Hope Brooks

Thanks to Barbara (not her real name) for today’s “guest annoyance”:

“I get really sick of hearing Social Security and Medicare referred to as ‘entitlements’ that have to reined in. If by entitlement they mean a benefit that I'm ‘entitled’ to because I've been paying into it for my entire adult life, fine.

“If, however, they mean a social welfare program that I ‘feel entitled’ to because I'm just a suck on society, that makes me mad. When the government automatically deducts money from my paycheck and requires me to send them a percentage of my self-employment earnings for these programs, I think the government and I have a contract together.

“So there.”

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