Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Lost Week

I’ve always liked the title of the film “The Lost Weekend.” Ray Milland starred as a man who loses a weekend to an alcohol-induced blackout. That’s not exactly what has happened to Merrie and me, but “The Lost Week” would be an appropriate name for our last seven days.

I took Merrie to the emergency room on Valentine’s Day when she had pressure in her chest and shortness of breath. We were relieved that there was no initial indication of heart problems, though it seemed she had an unusual form of pneumonia.

Several days passed, with numerous tests and procedures done, many medications administered and several complications endured. Her breathing was very labored through all this, but it seemed to me that she was gradually becoming more comfortable. Maybe even the end was in sight.

But it isn’t. This morning her breathing stopped and she went into cardiac arrest. We are blessed that this happened in the hospital, because the team of doctors revived her and took her to the intensive care unit.

That’s where we are, at the end of this “Lost Week.” Merrie is on a respirator, heavily sedated and totally monitored. As we wait to see what happens next.

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