Wednesday, February 28, 2007

We Are Amazed and Grateful

Last night was the first time in eight days that Merrie had no breathing assistance during the night. She also has not had any oxygen assistance since this morning, and she is doing well.

The angiogram involved a catheter in her femoral vein, which was kept in for 24 hours as a precaution. This has meant that she’s had to lay still for 24 hours. She’s quite weak, but feeling much better, perhaps because the blood flow to her heart is so much improved. She is looking forward to some walking tomorrow.

The attending doctor said that her status will be upgraded soon from ICU care, and we may move to a new hospital room if one becomes available. While there’s something to be said for the privacy and attention of the ICU room, we are relieved beyond words that the doctor is so encouraged by her progress.

Medication will be part of Merrie’s life for some time to come, especially a powerful blood thinner that prevents clots forming around the stents. The cardiologist is recommending that we wait awhile before considering surgery, which would be high risk due to some radiation damage to Merrie’s heart. We are blessed that, aside from the leaky mitral valve, her heart seems now to be strong and efficient.

And the end is in sight. At least a temporary end. The doctors actually mentioned that Merrie may go home in a few days.

Amazing. Truly. We are thankful for your support, love, thoughts and prayers.

I guess I’m feeling better, too. Maybe tomorrow, in addition to a Merrie update, I’ll write about why the stock market went down. I’m annoyed that the real reason has not been mentioned. At least I haven’t heard it.

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