Thursday, October 9, 2008

Should I Move Everything to Cash?

Excellent piece yesterday in the NY Times considering the temptation that all of us feel to simply sell all investments and put the money in  a mattress or something.  It might feel good, but it's probably a bad idea.  Read it here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have used cash for the past 2 years.

I mean I carry all my money in CASH. I have a safe at my house with about $28,000 in it.

I love to take this money out and count it out on my coffee table. SEEING it is very relaxing because it removes any fear that I might not be able to survive. I feel so great when I see that big pile of cash and I KNOW it's mine.

Stocks are a very bad investment. The can and do LOOSE VALUE all the time.

Any Investment means tying up YOUR CASH into something that is suppost to go up in value. Well RIGHT NOW nothing is going up in value.