Friday, July 20, 2007


Quote of the day:
"We're taught to expect unconditional love from our parents, but I think it is more the gift our children give us. It's they who love us helplessly, no matter what or who we are."
--Kathryn Harrison

Yesterday Merrie, Sophie and I drove north from San Diego on I-5, I-405 and the 101. Like many Southern Californians, we’ve made this trip hundreds of times. It’s more difficult than ever.

The number of cars using these highways continues to grow, and speeds continue to drop. I-405 from LAX to I-10 must be one of the reverse wonders of the world. It is always jammed and very, very slow. I can’t remember the last time this was more than stop-and-go, no matter the time of day.

Our average interstate-highway speed through the 50 miles of the L.A. region was about 30 mph.

As long as I’ve been driving, there have been drivers who weave from lane to lane, always looking for the fastest way through. Yesterday, about a third of the drivers on the road were doing this. It was a sort of zig-zag ballet.

Speeds are much higher, too--when there’s little traffic. There are always people going at least 90.

See my entry We Refuse to Understand Real Risk.

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