Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Good Summer Viewing

Quote of the day:
“Who are we?”
--Michael Moore, in Sicko

Quote of the day no. 2:
“First, we must learn to count to one.”  
--Martin Luther King

See Sicko. It’s worth your time.

I know what you’re thinking. “In the middle of summer, why would I want to go to a film about health-care policy? Boooorrring.”

The thing is, it’s not boring. In fact it’s probably more interesting and entertaining than the other films at your multiplex.

Yes, Michael Moore can be hard to take. But there’s little of him in this film. None of the ambush and embarrass scenes as in his previous films. I don’t like that technique. I think it’s petty and almost childish (“I’m gonna tell my mom!”)

If you think Moore is a flaming liberal, I’m sure you won’t see the film. That’s too bad, because it’s about all of us.

The film is a series of personal stories from people who might be your neighbors or siblings or friends. Just normal people trying to go to the doctor to get some help. We all know someone who could share a similar story.

These stories are set against those of other normal, everyday people in other nations who also have needed to go to the doctor.

The movie is sometimes funny, sometimes tragic, sometimes poignant--but always entertaining and interesting. It is Michael Moore’s best film.

I encourage you to put your preconceptions aside and simply go see it.

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