Sunday, April 1, 2007

First Trip to the Beach

Quote of the day:
"Looking foolish does the spirit good."
--John Updike

It was one hyper-happy Sophie who bounded out of the car at the beach this afternoon. She immediately began doing her German Shepherd thing of running in circles to begin the round-up.

When she got to the water, she included the water in her running. She loves to splash. And she loves to retrieve the kong and then go running into the water with it. Sometimes she leaves it there. (Me to myself: “Can I beat this wave to go get it?”)

I’m not sure the water is part of the German Shepherd lineage. It must be somewhere in the “Mix,” as in “German Shepherd Mix,” which is what Sophie is.

It was Merrie’s first beach visit post-MI. There were lots of dogs and their owners enjoying the positively beautiful day. We both threw the kong to Sophie dozens of times. We all got wet. One of us rolled around in the sand a couple times.

There was another first for Merrie when we got home. The first bath for Sophie. What a dog. What a clean dog.

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