Saturday, November 15, 2008

Lots of People Love Sarah Palin

"Well, as to that whole reason, she’s, you know, just about the only way she KNOWS how to be from her schooling, I mean going to six colleges and getting a journalism only at the end. But gosh, I mean really, can’t we all see that how much she’s done for the base of Lincoln’s party is everyone now knows that even a gal like her can grow up and succeed at success through doors that are open to her, by God! It’s not like, though, we should take for granted that she’s done so much without the benefit of a great language that so many people have shown isn’t even really necessarily mastered besides when they go into politics! Gosh, give her a break here, she’s only tryin’ to say what she meant to say, and not what you’re all trying to tell everyone she was saying anyway."

— Michael Temlin, New York, commenting on Dick Cavett's column about Sarah Palin


Doc John said...

This rambles in a similar way as SP's comments to Katie Couric. Maybe they're all speaking in code?

The Fighting Shy said...

Ha! Saw this comment in the Times and laughed out loud. Wish I had written it but I went to only three colleges with a journalism at the end know what I mean?