Thursday, April 24, 2008

Video: Object of the Week


Anonymous said...

You, saintly! Hah!!!!! I just got my laugh for the day. It's a good thing I didn't have food in my mouth, I might have started choking. Maybe we should give a medal for virtue to Merrie for putting up with your jokes all these years(hee! hee!). More seriously, I mostly agree with you. I believe in real butter and have eschewed margarine (vile stuff) most of my adult life. Science has finally caught up and discovered that the transfat in margarine is much worse for you than the saturated fat in butter. Among other things it actually lowers your good cholesterol and raises the bad. And as you say I don't use gobs and gobs, so eat and enjoy butter to your better health. About nine months ago I started making and using "Better," a combination of oil and butter (see the Passionate Vegetarian by Crescent Dragonwagon for directions). I've used mostly walnut, almond, olive, macadamia, and avocado oil or a combination depending on what I want to use it for or eat it with. This provides the yummy taste of butter with a dose of heart-healthy fat. I've enjoyed this on toast, popcorn, biscuits, vegetables, whatever. The great thing about avacado oil is that it has the same high monosaturate level as olive oil, but it doesn't solidify under refrigeration and it doesn't make whatever taste like olive oil. At my last blood test (over 6 mos. ago) my cholesterol level was 175; HDL level was 55 (the gold standard for women my age); LDL level 103 and triglycerides 85. I was already in the good range but this is a slight improvement over the previous year. I can feel vidicated after all these years of encountering fat fanatics who take you to task for eating butter, etc. There's also the fact that I eat something fried, like a blooming onion, maybe once a year at the fair and I haven't eaten meat for 27 years (I do eat some fowl, seafood,lots of salmon). So I'm with you, real cream cheese, real ice cream when I want to indluge and none of that low fat crap. Too much saturated fat may be bad for you, but so is a diet too low in fat and eating enough of the right kind can make you healthier. Did I just preach a sermon?

Craig Dorval said...

It sounds like you are the saintly one. Want me to put in a good word for you with the pope?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Craig, but that won't be necessary. The Holy Father is already well aware of my saintliness.