Thursday, September 13, 2007

Our Best-Known Politician?

Quote of the day:
"We plan, we toil, we suffer — in the hope of what? ... The title deeds of Radio City? ... A trip to the moon? No, no, no, no. Simply to wake just in time to smell coffee and bacon and eggs."
--JB Priestly

How’s this for a little-heralded event:
The second-best-known Republican in the world recently visited Europe. In a speech there, he said that it was time for the United States to recover the international prestige it has always had.

Just in case you don’t know who the second-best-known Republican in the world is, here’s a hint. Officials in Austria helped him celebrate his birthday.

Yes indeed, it’s Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

He may be the BEST known Republican worldwide. When he wears his sunglasses.

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