Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Quote of the day:
“I don’t need none of these things I’ve been handed.”
--Patty Griffin, from the song “No Bad News.”

I hope this day is very good for you.

Thanksgiving is such a gift. It’s an explicit opportunity to slow down, even stop for a little while.

And after we’re stopped, the invitation is to think of the presence of good in our lives, and to be grateful for the gifts of this life. Whatever our economic circumstance, and whether we are alone or with loved ones.

It’s a blessed day to step out of the place where we obsess about what is wrong with ourselves or our families or friends, or what is missing from our lives.

It’s a blessed day also because it seems to be getting more popular each year.

We need Thanksgiving.

Have a happy one!

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