Thursday, December 21, 2006

Duke, Dar, and Maria

Quote of the day:
“Republics exist only on the tenure of being constantly agitated.... There is no republican road to safety, but in constant distrust.”
--Wendell Phillips

Do you ever wonder why you like what you like? Is it because other people like the same thing? Probably not. But I am often reluctant to to talk about what I like because I’m afraid other people might not approve.

Some people do attach stereotypes to those who listen to certain types of music. Think country music. Think hip-hop. Think opera. Are you any of these “stereotypes”? I’m not. At least I think I’m not.

I listen to all these types, and lately I have been especially entranced by some great soprano divas. As I write this, I’m listening to Maria Callas. Earlier, while driving down the California coast, it was Angela Gheorghiu. I don’t know why this music is speaking to me right now, but it is.

I’m also loving Duke Ellington--especially the early stuff. Ditto Louis Armstrong. And I’m listening to Dar Williams--a terrific songwriter and marvelous singer.

What do you like?

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